Erowa fixture usage specifications and precautions

Column:Latest Announcement Time:2018-10-11 Browsing volume: 1796

1. When installing the electrode to quickly locate the precision fixture chuck on the worktable or spindle, the reference mark should face the operator

2. After installation, clean the Z-axis reference surface of the precision chuck with a clean cloth

3. Check whether the inner hole of the chuck is clean

4. Check the verticality of the chuck with a cylindrical reference seat

5. Use the ITS zero reference base to detect the rotation of the fixture and the center of the fixture

6. Clean the bottom surface of the four nail feet (hexagonal nails) of the electrode fixture base (chuck)

7. Check whether the pull nail on the chuck assembly is installed correctly, and whether the pull nail ring of the pull nail is installed reversely

8. Check whether the positioning piece on the chuck assembly is worn or damaged

9. When the chuck clamps the electrode, check whether the electrode is installed firmly

10. When installing the chuck into the chuck, align the positioning hole of the positioning piece with the positioning thread of the chuck